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Division: Division 4
Home Team: Bromley Sports 3
Away Team: Bexley 4
Date:18 Jan 2017 (confirmed)
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-2Danny Williams6-2Paul Wainwright3110/8 10/9 8/10 10/8
3-4Keeley Johnson6-3Luke Grindle309/1 9/2 9/0
4-2Daniel Sweeney6-6Nanu Bhana329/1 5/9 10/9 9/10 9/1
3-5Scott Hews6-7Dean Nicholson309/2 9/5 9/2
4-21Nick Barnes6-8Keith Hibberd039/10 0/9 3/9

Report: First up Nick v Keith. Nick started in his usual mercurial way taking early points and Keith wondering what Nick was going to do next. Keith stayed in it and scores were 9-9 for several points with each player having several opportunities to win the game - eventually Keiths doggedness won through and took the first. Nick went for a walk about in the second, Keith styed focused and playing the more consistent squash won the second comfortably. The third saw Nick matching Keith early on but eventually losing out, 3-0 to Bexley. Sweeney and Nanu a game of complete turn arounds. Danny wins the first comfortably, tight and pacey squash. Nanu fought back in the second retrieving well and forcing Danny into mistakes, 1-1. Danny came back, played good squash and started to take control in the third, only to see his lead cut back and eventually winning the 3rd, 10-9. Both players were now pretty exhausted and Danny took a 6-0 lead in the fourth - good tight consistent squash. Nanu fought back, hit some good forehand winners and delayed boasts and eventually won 10/9. Into the 5th, both players exhausted - however, Danny dug in, maintained the pace of the game and took a lead which this time he kept - fitness being a winning factor (he's now upto 6 miles a week for the London marathon )!!Good, well fought match. Meanwhile Scott Hewes won 3-0 against Dean. Dean showed good technique and battled all the way, but Scott seems to have recovered from his lay off and energy levels stayed good and with his excellent racquet control won comfortably. On comes Keeley v Luke. Have to say, best Keeley has played for ages - pace, control, early volleying and time to play shots kept Luke from settling. Luke retrieved well, hits the ball hard, but under pressure was forced into loose shots which Keeely put away well, to take the match 3-0. Final game Danny W v Paul. What a close match - Danny always looking as if he was in control and Paul playing under pressure - however, Paul fought hard as he always does, played consistently, hit some good winners and made himself hard to beat. The closeness of the match was reflected in all 4 games going to set with Danny winning the 4th 10/8 and therefore the match. A real nail biter!!!

Away Report
Away Report: 

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