Fixture Details 
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Division: Division 4
Home Team: Bromley Sports 3
Away Team: Park Langley 4
Date:Week beginning: 22 Feb 2017
Time:07:30 pm
Verified:24 Feb 2017 by Malcolm Meadows

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
4-1Tony Davies4-3Rhys Lloyd3210/8 0/9 9/0 2/9 9/3
4-3Stewart Gotts4-13Nick Sammons309/2 9/3 9/2
3-5Scott Hews4-14Michael Simmonds309/7 9/2 9/2
4-4Steve Pusey4-17Nolan Sawyer329/5 4/9 9/3 7/9 9/7
4-30Richard Hungate4-19Steve McIntosh035/9 0/9 2/9

Report: Well due to a long list of injuries and Keeley having to withdraw at last minute, telephone messages, e mails, smoke signals, semaphore and team alert calls, were made late afternoon to find another player. Fortunately, through inaccurate information Tony made himself available - he thought the call up was from Charlton Athletic ( given how hard up they for players, it could have been true)!!! So, a team was "Made" Scott was made skipper for the evening and by all accounts his motivation speech worked well - double subs for losers. Tony obviously battled as he always does, made himself hard to beat and won narrowly in the 5th. Stewart who is new "Man on Fire" showed his new fitness regime is paying dividends and won 3-0. Scott proved a good role model winning 3-0 and Steve back from injury tested his hamstring out with a marathon match, winning by 2 points in the 5th. Richard, the mercurial performer, looks as if he started well and then ......!!!! losing to Steve, who I know from battles in the past, runs and runs and is deceptively effective - Richard is I am sure with a bit more mentoring from mentor Scott will gain more consistency. Overall, some close matches and the 3/2's going Bromley's way and securing a good win.

Away Report
Away Report: 
Author:Malcolm Meadows

Administrator Notes