Fixture Details 
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Division: Division 4
Home Team: Tunbridge Wells SRC 3
Away Team: Bromley LTC 2
Date:Week beginning: 26 Jul 2017
Time:07:30 pm
Verified:28 Jul 2017 by PRM

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-1Stefan Zoltowski2-1Shil Patel033/9 4/9 4/9
3-10Richard Morris2-2Hugo Feitor034/9 4/9 5/9
3-16Jon Webberley2-5Garth Lochner329/3 7/9 9/1 5/9 9/6
3-17Ashley Meek2-9Brian Ford317/9 9/5 9/6 9/2
3-19Edward Wales2-15Craig Banyard319/1 9/4 4/9 9/6


Away Report
Away Report:Jon and Garth had to play-and-go and were first on so of course their match went to 5 games! Jon knew the courts well and broke up a number of rallies with some well-executed lobs. Garth, returning to match squash after a lengthy break, struggled for fitness but also Jon was on to every ill-judged reverse-angle and that made the difference in the end. Shil was on great form against a determined Stefan although the long close rallies are not reflected in the score-line. Similarly with Hugo and Richard: seemingly even in any given rally but Hugo a little more strategic and with more winners. Craig had a slow start, unusually for him, but seemed to be inching back against Ed. His lack of length on the drives tended to let him down though. This was compounded towards the end by the marker indulging Ed with long breathers between rallies while Craig's goggles were noticeably steaming up. Never mind, Bromley could rely on Brian to break the 2-2 deadlock - or could we? Yes, he did it by reliably tinning what seemed like every other shot or repeatedly feeding the evergreen Ashley drop shot opportunities almost all of which he took with relish. Poor Brian was caught off-balance by shot selection from Ashley that only improved as the match progressed. So, a close 3-2 to TW3, an enjoyable evening and great food and hospitality as usual.

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