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Division: Division 4
Home Team: Bromley Sports 2
Away Team: Bexley 4
Date:05 Feb 2019 (confirmed)
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-5Pip France4-1Tobyn Hulance309/4 9/0 9/5
4-1Ian McMeckan4-5Bob Cowans319/3 6/9 9/0 9/4
4-2Danny Williams5-4Mehmet Yusuf309/0 9/2 9/3
4-3Scott Hews5-6Dylan Roberts309/7 9/4 9/4
4-6Daniel Sweeney5-7Steve Tucker309/3 9/7 9/3

Report: BCC2 welcomes Bexley to the lane for arguably the most social meeting of two teams. Both teams were short of their No2s which was a shame as it would have been a great game between Keeley and Chloe.

First up was myself vs the Dylan “the future” Roberts. I wasn’t looking forward to playing another Kent junior after having my backside kicked by one from Park Langley, and in previous matches I was actually at 0 from 5. I was determined to end run. I took the game very seriously and got off to a good start taking a 6-2 lead, the problem was that the rallies were long and Dylan was getting every thing, this was a problem. I was gonna end up running out of steam. Dylan clawed his way to 7-7. Thankfully the squash gods were looking kindly upon me and I got two lucky nicks to win the first. The 2nd was very close at the start “the future” hitting tight drives and as soon as I played a loose ball he chopped it in the nick or played quality billy drops. All I had to count on was the extra power I had in my game and that was just enough. I won the last two games 9-4 9-4. I wouldn’t wanna play him next year.

Next up was Dorothy vs Bob. Wearing some ruby red slippers Ian had, had back to back MOTM. could he make it 3. Standing in his way was the wise old owl Bob. Ian got off to a great start, hitting his targets and playing his chop drop well. He took the 1st 9-3. Ian started the 2nd how he finished the 1st. Taking, what looked like a comfortable 5-1 lead. But Bob had other ideas and after playing some of his trademark disguised boasts and getting a read on Ian’s cross courts he fought back and took the 2nd. Ian got his head together in the break between games and came on in the 3rd and played a fantastic game, winning it with the golden bagel. Winning the first hand out and then not dropping a single serve. How was bob going to respond. Ian kept his concentration levels high at the beginning of forth. He wasn’t going to let bob back in and he took the fourth.

Next up the showboat vs tucker. With Danny on his G&T diet it was noticeable that his movement was a lot better and his timing was as usual very good. The 1st saw Danny control the game. Taking the ball early and making Steve turn left and right. 2nd game steve came out with the intent to take the plaster off the wall. Hitting the ball with veracity, that Mrs Jacobs at No97 Plaistow lane called the club to say her carriage clock had fallen off her mantle piece. Once Danny adjusted to the extra speed he again took control and won the 2nd. The third saw Danny start to showboat. He would work steve out of position and with Steve stuck in a back corner would play a drop which would nearly go out of court. Steve had no option but to go get it. Danny kept Steve running back and forth and in the end Danny closed out the match.

Danny w vs mehmet. With Danny living in Tunbridge Wells and his team playing in Tunbridge Wells he drew the short straw to drive to bromley and help us out. Danny was looking like a man possessed even tho he was wearing his wife’s knee high socks. Hitting the ball crisp and hard. Mehmet was forced to scramble front and back. Danny took the first 9-0
2nd game saw dan keep up the pressure and kept mehmet guessing where the ball was going with well disguised shots and took the 2nd quickly 9-2. The third saw mehmet got off to a better start. Hitting the ball deeper and and forced Danny into a few mistakes. Danny made the adjustments needed and got back on top of his game and closed out the match.

Pip vs Tobyn. With Tobyn being one of the strongest No1s in the league our new No1 was up for the match but it was made much harder when the 1st team called on him to help them them out before returning to the club to play for us. Could Tobyn capitalise on pips 2nd match with in 2hours.........Nahhhhh. The first saw pip flying about as per usual. This caught Tobyn a little off guard. Tobyn rallied well knowing that pip must start to feel the pain of playing twice. But Pips legs are twice the length of the average person meaning he does half the running. Pip took the last point needed to win the first with a brilliantly disguised boast that had tobs hailing a taxi. 2nd game got under way and the effects of the long rallies had seemed to have effected Tobyn more than pip. And le pip quickly took the 2nd with a bagel. The 3rd saw the silver fox slow the pace down and, pip for the first time, seemed to be starting to run out of gas. The rallies were getting long again and pip had lost the explosiveness off the tee. But the young wippersnapper who didn’t look like he was sweating dug deep into his reserves and managed to see off Tobyn 3-0.

A great result keeps BCC in touch with the top 2. Good luck to Bexley for the rest of the season.


Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes