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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Park Langley 3
Away Team: Bexley 3
Date:Week beginning: 12 Jun 2012
Time:07:30 pm
Verified:15 Jun 2012 by PETER LEWIS

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-1Mark Lennox3-1Ron Ganz319/3 9/4 4/9 9/4
3-2Simon Rogers3-2James Cray325/9 10/8 8/10 9/5 10/8
3-3Fergus Burnett3-3Andy Thirsk319/3 2/9 9/4 9/6
3-4Ray Bushell3-5Graham Davis309/4 10/8 9/6
3-5Andy Davies5-8Nanu Bhana309/0 9/7 9/3

Report:Peter, I left the scores in the bar ! wasn't certain of game scores for Mark and Fergus. Feel free to change them if their badly wrong (although I know the match scores are right !!)

Well I had final confirmation on Tuesday that I am now an official 'old git'
First home game of the season for me and being the afor mentioned old git, I had it in my head that I played for Park Langley but no. It seems I'm a member of Old Dunstonians which is of course in the same road. A silly mistake on my part !

Sweaty Sock v Andy
Really gutted I couldn't play Andy this time round as I was looking to see if I could get 3 or 4 points this time round thus improving on my 2 last time.
Sweaty got stuck in in a way DC never could and was the perfect foil for Andys deft touches and rolling nicks. I guess you could say he played Andy at his own game but just a little better. 3/1 to the SNP.

Grim Reaper v Jim
This was always going tpo be a tight scrap after their epic encounter last season especially as there is such a huge contrast in styles (although to be fair, the Reapers style contrasts with everyone who plays the game!)
Jim came out of the traps flying to an 8/0 lead before the Reaper started to scrape a few points and Jim decided to be charitable and tin a few shots. The charity was short lived and Jim soon wrapped up the 1st.
The second was also a totally one sided affair with Jim going 8/1 and fatally taking his foot off the gas which is a real no no against the Reaper. Every shot in the book was rolled out and eventually the Reaper walked off with a 10/8 in the bag and Jim wondering what was going on.
The 3rd was a full out bun fight with both players covering a huge amount of court. Reaper seemed to have the edge getting several game balls but Jim kept his nerve and snuck it 10/8.
The 4th much the same as the 3rd but the Reaper steadily got points on the board and closed it out.
The 5th was relentless but Jim was now going for a lot of winners from the back which is always a risky business whilst the Reaper stayed error free and that was ultimately the difference.
A very good match with both players working very hard.

Numbnuts v Ron
Didn't see a huge amount of this one although what I did see was along the same lines as their previous encounter. A lot of hard graft with long tough rallies. A scenario Numbnuts seems to relish and he duly did the business 3/1.

Debt Collector v Graham
Never played Graham before and really enjoyed our first encounter.
3/0 totally bellies this match with Graham going ahead in all 3 games and DC had to think and work very hard to keep a lid on things.
Both players taking a lot of vollies which ultimately led to fast and furious rallies which probably wasn't a great idea for the 'senior citizens' of each team.

2nd team 'Reject' v Nanu
2nd teams offload was without question the ugly bunch gain me thinks.
A good solid performance by Reject which didn't really give Nanu a chance to get going in this one.
The second was tight with Nanu hitting some great nicks but Reject kept things tight and wrapped up a comfortable 3/0 win.

A late finish with us not getting back to that other club down the road until 11pm.
Apologies to the Bexley lads for having to play on the graveyard courts again but their a good bunch of lads and just got on with it.

Right, I'm off to find my membership card to see how I joined the wrong club !!
Author:Debt Collector

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes