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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Dulwich 3
Away Team: Sundridge Park 1
Date:28 Jun 2012 (confirmed)
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-1ANTONIO PETRONZIO1-3Ray Dunlop317-9 9-0 9-1 9-2
3-2DAVE KETTLE1-4Justin Jardine313-9 9-0 9-1 9-4
3-3JACK ROBINSON1-5Andy Redfern309-3 9-3 9-5
3-4IAN ARMSTRONG1-6Ken Sheedy314-9 9-5 9-7 9-5
3-6ALEX BATES1-7Peter Ng131-9 9-4 5-9 1-9

Report:So England managed to avoid a clash of fixtures - well done boys!

Antonio was there first itching for an early start so that he could join the watching Azzurri. Alas his opponent kept him waiting and he missed the first Italian goal during the first game of his match with Ray. Antonio was definitely feeling the pressure as he lost this game but as soon as he was informed that Italy had gone 1 up that all changed and he sqeezed the life out of the match and sped through the next 3 in short order for the loss of just 3 points and then it was upstairs to watch his boys do a similar number on the Germans.

On the other court Ian was trying his best not to win against Ken who was also trying his best to do likewise. Ken shaded the first and Ian did likewise in the next. The 3rd was key and it seemed to hinge on a double bounce situation. Ken did not shrug off his dissappointment and Ian swept passsed to go 2-1 up. The 4th was close most of the way with Ian just ahead most of the time and he managed to spot a weakness in Ken down the back hand side just a few rallys before finishing it off 3-1.

Back on the other court the number 5's were slugging it out - neither of them seemed to know when they could ask for a let so that extended quite a few rallys. At 1-1 it seemed like a 5 setter was on the cards but Pete just had the edge when it mattered at the end of the 3rd and he then took control again in the 4th and closed the match out 3-1.

By this time Italy were 2-0 up and Antonio felt so confident about things that he decided to mark Dave and Justin's game. Justin started well and took the first without too much trouble but Dave did likewise in the next two having taken some advice from Antonio. Justin picked things up a little in the 4th but Dave was not going to let him back in and closed things out to win 3-1 and give Dulwich a 3rd match win in a row.

Jack was next up against Andy and Jack was again a man without a racket - apparently him and his brother share one between the two of them and it is currently being re-strung! Jack took to his temporary bat like a Balotelli to a German goal and he promptly went 2-0 up. Jack maintained a healthy lead and went 1 up. Andy took an early lead in the 2nd but once Jack started to add to his tally it was all one way traffic and Jack was soon 2 up. The 3rd was again going Jack's way until Andy made a bit of a comeback but Jack had too much for him and finished it 3-0 and completed a 4-1 win to the Dulwich 3rds.

Olley's fish and chips were welcomed by all although for Antonio that was twice in one week but since that matched the 2 goals scored by his team it seemed a fitting way to finish things.
Author:Ian Armstrong

Away Report
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