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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Park Langley 3
Away Team: David Lloyd 1
Date:Week beginning: 24 Jul 2012
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-1Mark Lennox1-2Paul James309/7 9/7 9/5
3-2Simon Rogers1-5Dan Lark319/3 10/8 4/9 9/4
3-4Ray Bushell1-6Nathan Gilmore3010/8 9/4 9/3
3-5Andy Davies1-10Toby Smith309/7 9/4 9/4
3-6Sam Weatherhead (walkover)30w/o

Report:A very hot steamy night, just the weather for a laid back, slow paced, indoor game like squash !

Second Team Reject v Toby
Missed the first 2 games but apparently they went the same way as the one I did see.
Toby doing a mighty lot of running but Reject dominating the T for most parts.
A good solid performance from Reject who is settling in just fine with his new lower, uglier team.

Grim Reaper v Dan
Again only saw 1 game but a hell of a lot of running from 2 pretty fit blokes.
A long game due to a large haul of hand in/hand outs. (probably would have been over in 5 minutes if it had been par!)
Reaper finally scythed Dan into a 3 holds to 1 submission.

Debt Collector v Nathan
Now the last time DC played on courts anywhere near this hot was the first game of the season against Nathan. On that occasion Nathan did all the things a young player needs to do against someone double his age (I'm sure we all know what that is without going into detail)
This time DC went to plan B and controlled the pace of the ball a lot better and forcing errors rather than attempting winners. That said, Nath also contributed to his own downfall with a large dollop of tin hitting.
3/0 to DC but as always when I play Nath win or lose a good natured sporting encounter.

Numbnuts v Paul
This had the potential to be a very tight affair and from the start it was Paul who went into a big lead only for Numbnuts to reel him in and get over the line 9/7. The second was the same scoreline although Numbnuts always held the upper hand.
The 3rd was dominated again by Numbnuts and finished off with a slam dunk into the nick.
A very good match with some pretty brutal rallies. Both players putting in a full shift.
So a good win again for the ugly bunch but the highlight of the night was having Ken Cotton prowling around the courts checking on each and every one of our performances. Advice for us was never far away and delivered in a manner by Ken that can never be replicated. Cheers Ken.

Whilst on the subject of Ken, well done To Dave Harris, Fordy and Park Langley for putting on a really top night for Ken last Friday.
Great to see so many people from acroos the Kent Squash spectrum both in ability and geography.
Speaks volumes for the regard Ken is held in.
Author:Debt Collector

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes