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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Tunbridge Wells SRC 2
Away Team: Park Langley 3
Date:20 Nov 2012 (confirmed)
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
2-1Hadley Neale3-1Mark Lennox038-10 4-9 5-9
2-3Paul Buckner3-3Fergus Burnett309-6 9-6 10-8
2-4John Lawton3-4Ray Bushell329-7 9-5 5-9 1-9 9-5
2-5Paul McCloud3-5Andy Davies319-1 2-9 9-3 10-8
2-6Ian Simmons3-6Sam Weatherhead132-9 7-9 9-4 1-9

Report:I look forward to this match every season, good to see some mates and battle to the very end as this match proved, Grim was missing as was Neil Bradshaw , so with both teams were weakend at the same string, Mark and Hads both slightly off there pace entertained the crowd with some great squash utilising both strings and frames to the full, good win for Mark after a very tight first game which could and possibly should of gone to Hads after some home advantage marking went astray, but the result was right, meanwhile Paul and Fergus locked horns with Ferguson playing slow lobs to the back which Paul dealt with well, both players giving 100% with Paul edging 3-0, good squash. Loud and Andy had a good ding dong which I heard more than I witnessed as I was on court next door, I did manage to see the last couple of points that Paul won with some aggressive hard hitting forcing Andy to defend rather than attack, if you beat Andy then you have played well as he is as solid as they come. Simo and Sam played fast flowing squash which I managed to miss also, Sam winning 3-1 away to Simo is a good result and deserved win. So it's left down to Ray and myself to battle out the win, not the best squash we have played, the court felt warm and the ball seemed cold, my fitness is a little suspect following 6 weeks out injured and Ray never settled, until I was 2 up, he then settled with some good short attacking winners after a quick chat with Lennox, at 2-2 I came out the blocks fast and aggressive which put me 5-1 up, then I ran out of steam just as Ray run out of winners, could of gone either way, I must point out that Ray called a double hit which put me at 8- 5 match ball, amazingly honest and well worth a mention as nobody else realised it had happend. Great food and banter as always at the bar, look forward to the return.
Author:Captain Buttocks

Away Report
Away Report: 

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