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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Dulwich 3
Away Team: Bromley LTC 1
Date:25 Jul 2013 (confirmed)
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-3JACK ROBINSON1-1Ted Jeal030-9 1-9 5-9
3-4COLIN WILSON1-4Gordon McManus309-5 6-9 9-2 3-9 7-9
3-6GREG COLLINGHAM1-3Ketul Patel305-9 0-9 0-3
3-7IAN ARMSTRONG2-6Ron Terry302-9 5-9 0-9
3-12PAUL FOSKER2-7Paul Webb300-9 5-9 3-9

Report:It was not a good night for Dulwich but it turned out to be an even worse night for Bromley LTC - a bit of a comedy of errors!

The Bromley number 2 thought he was playing at 3 and since he was the first away player to arrive and it was after 8pm he went straight on court and started playing at 3. This error was not spotted until after the 1st game had been completed so by then it was too late to do anything about it.

First up were Greg and Ketul and Greg took an early lead in the first game but that was soon pegged back by Ketul who then ground out the points to go 1 up. It was then that the mistake was noted but they continued playing. The next game was all Ketul and although Greg had 5 attempts to get on the board he was not able to so it was soon 2-0 to Ketul. The 3rd was much the same as the 2nd and soon enough it was 3-0 to Ketul.

On the other court the number 4's in the form of Ian and Ron went nose to nose remembering the first half encounter when Ron's proboscis had a close look at Ian's racket and didn't seem to happy afterwards! Early scuffles suggested it might be a close one but that soon changed and Ron swept through the first game to go 1 up. The 2nd was a closer affair but Ron was always ahead and made it 2-0 without too much trouble. The 3rd set was one way traffic and Ron was a clear winner.

Back on the other court Jack and Ted were playing an altogether different sort of game with lots of front court tippy tappy stuff! Ted was as always doing his Charlie Chaplin impression where he waddles up to the ball and at the last minute flicks his stick in the opposite direction to great affect. Ted was making slow progress early on in the first but then a clump of points soon had him winning it 9-0. The 2nd was again a slow starter but as soon as Ted worked out how to win points again it was one way traffic. The 3rd was much closer and at 5-5 Jack must have felt that he had a chance to get his name on the board but alas Ted had other ideas and wrapped it up 3-0.

On the other court Paul F and Paul W were hard at it! Paul W was winning the points as Paul F seemed to be taking his time to get into the game which was to be expected as it was his debut match for the Dulwich 3rd team. The 2nd game was again looking like another clear win for Paul W but Paul F woke up and got a couple of points then just as Paul W looked to have it wrapped up Paul F put together a string of points to put the pressure on Paul W but he responded well to finish it off. The 3rd set again saw Paul W running away with it until Paul F got his name on the board but it was too little too late and Paul W soon had it won 3-0

Finally we had Colin and Gordon doing their best impression of little and large but playing the game of the night. The first was close early on with Gordon taking an early lead only for Colin to come back with a string of points to take him from to 2 to 9 - job done!. The 2nd saw Gordon again taking an early lead but this time he made it count despite the Colin comeback late on. The 3rd saw Colin concentrate and work harder resulting in a solid and swift victory. The 4th saw Colin start off in the same vane but Gordon then got his game into shape and he was soon running away with it to level things up at 2-2. The 5th saw Colin storm away with some clean and accurate winners to a 7-0 lead at which point there looked to be only one winner. However Gordon was not done for and he turned it around. Despite Colin having a few more chances to add to his total he failed to do so and Gordon ran out a deserved winner.

So the result on the night was a 5-0 win to Bromley but due to their error in the playing order it turned out to be a 4-1 win for Dulwich. I have entered the actual game scores on the night on the result sheet but adjusted the result column to reflect the affect of the penalty for playing out of order.

Bromley will no doubt still march away with the 2nd division title however as they are without doubt the strongest team in the division.
Author:Ian Armstrong

Away Report
Away Report: 

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