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Division: Division 1
Home Team: Park Langley 1
Away Team: Tunbridge Wells SRC 1
Date:Week beginning: 28 Jan 2014
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
1-1Steve London1-1James Evans329-11 15-13 5-11 12-10 11-9
1-2Simon Culver1-2Colin Payne1311-5 6-11 8-11 7-11
1-3James Robbins1-3Jolyon Head3111-9 12-10 10-12 11-8
1-4Steven Pratt1-4Jonny Powell3011-7 11-4 11-1
1-5Clive London1-5Dean Newberry3211-5 11-8 8-11 5-11 11-7

Report:PL entertained T.Wells last night. With both teams at full strength it proved to be a competitive encounter which could have gone either way. This account will be necessarily limited in range due to the fact that I marked Steve L and James E for 1 1/2 hours, then played and consequently saw none of the other matches. Anyway ...

First up, and on for a very long time: London jnr v Evans
These two have had some gruelling battles in the past and this proved no different. In truth I'm not too sure how Steve emerged victorious. After marginally appearing to be in control of the 1st Steve lost it. In the 2nd he stood at 3-10 down, decided to just play it ultra conservative (i.e no short stuff) and came back to scrape it 15-13. James stormed back to comfortably take the 3rd. The 4th looked to be a bit of a replay of the 2nd as this time Steve was 7-10 down. Another disciplined comeback saw it going to a decider. Once again, very tight but in the end Steve just did enough to sneak it. An entertaining match with some impressive court coverage from both players.

Next door (1): Pratt v Powell.
This was over in very short order and I really didn't even catch it via peripheral vision. WW was very keen as usual to get on, off and away. He looks to have played well again, but vanished straight after.

Next door (2): Culver v Payne.
This was a bit of a turn up for the books. Colin hasn't really enjoyed this encounter before, but appears somewhat rejuvenated (no doubt due to having his sights set on the O50s Nationals) and Simon was still struggling with a muscle tweak picked up midway through last week's match. Again, saw nothing of it, but Colin wrapped up a good win.

After a brief hiatus, the next two matches started at the same time. First: London snr v Newberry.
Due to the early departure of half the PL team(come on guys you need to stay until the match is finished on court at least!) this one got underway with no marker. After a game and a half Adam Rich kindly stepped up to the plate having stuffed his dinner down in double quick time. You really need to come in disguise Ad! How many times has this sort of thing occurred? Steve L pitched up after showering and took over and this seemed to get Deano fired up as he came back to pouch the next two and set up a decider. The author managed to re-exert enough of the first two games worth of control and emerged the winner.

Meanwhile next door, and finishing ahead of the above: Robbins v Head.
Didn't see a ball of this but the scoreline suggests a tight encounter. This is no great surprise as Jolyon has pushed JEJ all the way on many an occasion. JEJ seems to have just about done enough to avoid the rigours of a 5th, and this rounded off a good night for PL.

The author went off for a stretch / shower and emerged to find a scene reminiscent of the Marie Celeste, with only London jnr in evidence. Still, kept the tab right down.


Away Report
Away Report: 

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