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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Bromley Sports 2
Away Team: Dulwich 3
Date:Week beginning: 12 Nov 2013
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
2-1Tom Stone3-1ANTONIO PETRONZIO329-6 7-9 7-9 9-7 9-1
2-4Richard Kimpton3-2PADDY JOYCE239-4 0-9 9-7 4-9 0-9
3-2Chris Butler3-3TOM STEIBELT319-3 3-9 9-4 9-6
3-6Stewart Gotts3-4CHRIS WILKES309-2 9-1 9-5
2-6Andy Brackstone3-6GREG COLLINGHAM130-9 5-9 9-6 2-9

Report:First on were Tom and Antonio, in the pastTom has had comfortable wins over Antonio but the new slimmer fitter Antonio had different ideas, the bit I saw both were cracking the ball at a hell of a pace. There not going to keep this pace up and Antonio, thankfully for us, faded first.

Richard and Paddy on the other court was a real ding dong but Paddy just had a little bit more fitness and won the day.

Didn't see any of Chris and Tom but the Jersey Festival must have worn Tom out as for Chris it was business as usual.

Stew and Chris, I marked this and Chris seemed to be hitting the ball very sweetly in the warm up and I thought Stew might be in a little trouble here given his beer belly was quite obvious, XXL shirt untucked is needed we think. Not so Chris seemed to be at one with the tin when under no pressure from Stew whatsoever! I'm afraid Stew did not win this won, Chris lost it, shame as it promised to be a close match.

Last on were big Andy and Greg, having had a stomach for the last few days Big Andy was a bit jaded to say the least and with greg being a little awkward in style along with getting everything back the result was inevitable! Big Andy did not appreciate the others telling him that Chris had lost and a win was needed! Of course we'd won already.

Man of the match - Chris
Another good win for BCC
Author:Big Andy

Away Report
Away Report: 

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