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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Dulwich 3
Away Team: Dulwich 4
Date:Week beginning: 29 May 2014
Time:07:30 pm
Verified:02 Jun 2014 by

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-2DAVE KETTLE4-3PAUL HOLDEN238-10 9-6 10-9 3-9 0-9
3-3TOM STEIBELT4-4SEAN CHESTNUTT319-8 9-4 2-9 9-1
3-5GREG COLLINGHAM4-6STEVE HARSUM325-9 0-9 9-6 9-4 9-1
3-6IAN ARMSTRONG4-9MARK GIBSON237-9 9-7 9-2 5-9 8-10
3-7THOMAS CURTIS4-10NIC WINNING309-2 9-3 9-5

Report:This was a hotly contested derby between two depleted teams as is the case in the summer but it was a highly entertaining match.

1st up were two old foes in the form of Ian and Mark - both fond of volleying anything that moves and both aficionados of the round the house high boast - the later taught the former this shot many moons ago. Mark started the brighter of the two and was ahead throughout the 1st which he clinched just as Ian seemed to be getting close. The 2nd seemed to be going the same way as the 1st but once Ian got on level terms at 5-5 it was he who closed it out to level things up. The 3rd saw Ian gain in confidence and he marched through the game with strong play all round for the loss of just 3 points. The 4th saw Mark pick up from where he was in the 1st game and he was always just ahead. Just as it seemed Ian might draw level Mark pulled away to level things up again. The 5th seemed to bring about a resurgent Ian and he again marched away to a commanding lead and match point at 8-2. Mark then regained some composure and won point after point to draw level. At match point to Mark he went for an easy drop to win the match and hit the tin - his albatross wingspan was matched with an albatross screech announcing his disappointment at this missed opportunity. Alas Ian could not make him pay and it was Mark who finished off an entertaining match.

Next up were Dave and Dulwich player of the season Paul with Dave hoping for an easy night as he was just back from his hols. Paul was never going to make it easy for Dave as the 1st game illustrated being nip and tuck all the way with Paul winning 10-8. The 2nd was another tight affair with the players level at 4-4 and then 6-6 but it was Dave this time who had the edge. The 3rd was no different but Dave seemed to be edging ahead and it was he who got to game point 1st only yo see Paul bring it back level at 8-8 but Dave just had enough in the tank to finish it off and go 2-1 up. That was where the wheels fell off for Dave as the 4th saw him struggling to move his weary legs and soon enough Paul had it won for the loss of just 3 points. The 5th inevitably was one way traffic with Dave unable to keep up and Paul ran out a winner.

So at 2-0 down the 3rd team had it all to do at this stage.

Next up were Thomas and Nick - both hard hitters eager to smash the ball to smithereens when given the chance. Thomas started off the brighter of the two and was soon notching up point after point with some sharp shooting squash which had Nick struggling to keep the ball in play and soon enough Thomas was 1 up. The 2nd was more one sided than the 1st with Nick hitting the tin more often than not when he had a chance. Nick did manage a few points at the end of the game but Thomas finished it off well. The 3rd seemed to be going Thomas's way very quickly so at 5-0 up there seemed only one result likely. Nick did manage to make a fight of it from that point but Thomas was just not going to be denied the result and sure enough he wrapped things up just as it seemed to be getting tight.

Next up where Greg and Steve and this was never going to be easy for Greg as Steve has a natural fitness regime (plays once a month) that works well for him and he also has some amazing "gadget man" shots which seem to involve dislocating his shoulder to play straight drives from way behind where he is stood. Anyway Steve was in control in the 1st early on as expected and seemed to have it won at 7-1 up but Greg fought back well to get back to 5-7 down only for Steve to win the next two points to go 1 up, Steve was in full control in the 2nd and gave Greg no opportunities to win a point so there it was 2-0 in double quick time and Duwlich 4 on the verge of a victory. Greg however never gives up and the 3rd was a battle with Greg getting a lead early on and making it hard for Steve. At 6-2 up Greg was looking good until Steve started clawing it back so at 6-5 it could of gone either way - fortunately for Greg he was able hold of the charge from Steve to chalk up his 1st game of the night. The 4th followed a similar pattern to the 3rd and at 5-1 up Steve did mount a recovery to get back to 5-4 but Greg then pushed on and won the next 4 points to level things up at 2-2. Greg was now the one in control with Steve suffering and soon enough Greg had it won.

Match all square on the night now and next up it was Tom and Sean. The 1st was very tight with Sean looking in slightly better form and consequently it was he who pulled away 1st. Tom was just about staying in touch but at was always behind at 1-3 then 3-5 then 4-7 and 5-8. At game point to Sean Tom managed to fight it off and string together a bunch well won of points to level it up at 8-8. Tom always goes for 1 at this point and it was a surprise to see Sean doing likewise. Tom was never going to let that chance go and he swiftly finished off to win an unlikely 1st game. The 2nd was tight but Tom seemed to be playing better and Sean seemed to be suffering a little with an arm injury. At 4-4 Tom won a string of points however to win it clearly 9-4. The 3rd was all Sean's who was determined to put up a fight and he very quickly he had it won for the loss of just 2 points. The 4th saw Tom playing his best squash of the night with some great play and this paid dividends as the points kept coming preventing Sean from scoring. Tom finished things off and that helped Dulwich 3 to a 3-2 win on the night with the loss of just 2 points.

Great night of entertaining squash - looking forward to the away match in the 2nd half of the season.
Author:Ian Armstrong

Away Report
Away Report: 

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