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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Park Langley 2
Away Team: Sundridge Park 1
Date:Week beginning: 03 Jun 2014
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
2-2Mark Lennox1-1Justin Jardine329/3 7/9 6/9 9/1 9/6
2-3Fergus Burnett1-2Andy Redfern319/7 5/9 9/6 10/8
2-4Ray Bushell1-3Ken Sheedy318/10 9/5 9/6 9/1
2-5Andy Davies1-4Mark Mink319/7 10/8 6/9 9/2
2-7Jack Mitterer1-5Peter Ng Liong309/0 9/0 9/3

Report:Both teams at full strength (Fatty Mortimer being a faded and distant memory) which bode well for a good match.
Chicken legs Lennox had to dig very deep to overcome the redoubtable Justin in a scrappy 5 setter.
Andy played his best match so far to see off new addition Mark in 4.
Surprise of the night was at 5 where I fully expected Jumping Jack to have his hands full with Ninja Pete but it was the dead opposite with JJ doing a complete demolition job.
(Oh those PL teams who who didn't invest in this young lads services will soon rue the day if their not already. DC in the meantime is rubbing his hands in glee as he can soon slip quietly down the order will JJ will hit the top slot in 6 months MAX ! )

A good evening as usual with the SP boys in the bar apart from Ninja Pete who came out with some cock and bull story about work to finish off.
Nothing to do with his scoreline and the flak coming from his team mates !

As always with the summer, the team order turns to rats poo next week with everyone buggering off on hols. Ho Hum.
Author:Debt Collector

Away Report
Away Report: 

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