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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Bromley Sports 2
Away Team: Dulwich 3
Date:Week beginning: 04 Nov 2014
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
2-8Richard Kimpton3-3DAVE KETTLE032-9 5-9 6-9
2-11Chris Butler4-3SEAN CHESTNUTT324-9 9-10 9-3 9-0 9-7
3-1Scott Hews3-6IAN ARMSTRONG319-5 9-3 7-9 9-6
3-3Stewart Gotts4-8PAUL HUNTER318-10 10-8 9-3 9-7
2-12Andy Brackstone3-8ALEX BATES132-9 2-9 9-2 2-9

Report:Just a quick report, given Bromley had three returning from injury this didn't bode well for the match result.....

Rich & Dave on first, this was promising to be a good match with Rich on good form of late, however a heel injury and a holiday took the edge off and Dave looked very comfortable all through.

Stew and Paul on the other court, I didn't see much of this match but close in the first two and then Stew seemed to take control and win the day.

Andy went on with Alex who was determined to get revenge, Andy was slow to start but took the third but ran out of steam after that, the story of late for Andy! Well played Alex.

Scott v Ian, I was on the other court but the noise coming from this pair suggested it was a close one. A good win for Scott.

Last on were Chris & Sean, with Chris being just back from bad a chest infection, super fit Sean looked to have the edge taking the first two but Chris's experience and lack of match fitness forced to up his game. Chris slowed the pace down and with deft shot selection and a plethora of tight balls into the front nick took it to 2-2, and so to the fifth. Chris was puffing well now but managed to take a 5-1 lead only for Alex to take advantage and level 5-5, Sean was serving 5-8 with a crucial decision where Sean caught the ball with the left hand and wanted a let, unfortunately for him the decision was 'no let' much to his annoyance, however, sometimes this works for you and so it did for Sean bringing it back to 7-8 but Chris won the day and arguably the best match of the season so far!

A unexpected win for Bromley.

Man of the match - Chris.

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes