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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Dulwich 3
Away Team: Park Langley 3
Date:27 Nov 2014 (confirmed)
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-3DAVE KETTLE3-2Simon Grey329-4 9-5 4-9 6-9 9-3
3-6GREG COLLINGHAM3-3Dave Harris1310-8 3-9 6-9 7-9
3-7ANDREW DAWES3-4Kevin McCaughan031-9 4-9 0-9
3-8IAN ARMSTRONG3-5Stuart Melbourne034-9 4-9 4-9
3-10ALEX BATES4-7Andy Blackman3010-8 9-5 9-2

Report:1st up where Alex and Andy. Andy was off to a flying start but at 6-0 up Alex got going and almost levelled things before Andy was off again but at game point Alex seemed to wake up again and got it back level again. Some anxious times and screams of come on from both teams saw a tense opener go to Alex in the end. The 2nd saw Alex this time getting off to a flyer before Andy levelled it at 3-3. A bit of a close fought battle then ensued but just as Andy edged ahead Alex ran away to take it and go 2 up. The 3rd was close early on but Alex was soon marching away with it and soon had it won in 3.

Next up where Ian and Stuart and Ian started off well in the 1st but Stuart soon got into his stride and was stringing together points without much of a reply from Ian so soon enough Stuart was 1 up. The 2nd saw Stuart take control but Ian rallied to bring it almost level at 3-4 down but Stuart again kept putting points on the board with some consistent play and too the 2nd with the same score as the 1st. The 3rd again saw Ian doing well early doors but 3 seemed to be a sticking point and the trigger for Stuart to take the game away from Ian. All 3 games ended with the same score and a straight forward win for Stuart.

On the other court we had Greg and Dave and Greg was putting up a great fight running down every ball whilst Dave tried to hit the nick at every opportunity. Greg led the 1st at 3-0 but then Dave took the next 7 points. Greg fought back to 6-7 before Dave got to game point only to find Greg in no mood to surrender and it was Greg who surprisingly won a tight finish. The 2nd saw Dave in control and his shape shooting reduced Greg to just 3 points despite numerous handouts. The 3rd saw take a decisive lead and at 7-0 up it seemed all done and dusted but Greg would not lie down and he fought back from 8-2 down causing Dave to have to come to the front of the court more times then he would have wanted to but finally Dave finished it off just as Greg seemed likely to get back on level terms. The 4th was close all the way and Dave was hurting and disparate to finish the game off. As Greg went ahead at 7-6 it seemed likely that a 5th set would be forced upon a tiring Dave but Dave put in one more push and managed to finish it off and take the match 3-1.

On the other court Andy was taking on Kevin and with Andy recovering from a 3 week holiday followed by a two week virus it was always going to be difficult for Andy and so it proved. The 1st was competitive at the start and Andy got a point on the board early but Kevin was too quick and accurate and it was soon heading his way for the loss of that early point. The 2nd was a bit closer and just as Kevin start ed to pull away Andy rallied to 4-4 but Kevin got to work and was again pulling away and soon had it in the bag, The 3rd was one way traffic in Kevin's direction and it was another 3-0 win on the night.

The final match between Dave and Simon was the match of the evening. Dave was solid from the start and Simon started slow as he usually does. Simon's team mates were have a great time trying hard not to support their man but it seemed to be working as Dave then struggled to finish the 1st gane and 7-0 became 8-4 before Dave put it to bed. The 2nd had Simon starting off well and once Dave levelled at 4-4 it seemed to steady his game and although Simon got another point soon after Dave then strung together 5 points in a row to go 2 up. The 3rd was nip and tuck with Simon ahead most of the time and he put together a string of points at the crucial part of the game to get one back. The 4th saw Simon getting stronger and playing better squash although his team-mates kept up the rowdy anti-banter. Dave tried in vane to claw back a 7-2 deficit and at 7-6 down there was a fraught hand out session which saw Simon come out on top to take it to a 5th set. By now the fish and chips had arrived and no one really wanted a 5tf set. The final game was a tussle at the start and many handouts saw the score creep along but at 3-3 after 10 minutes it was Dave who started to edge ahead and 3-3 became 5-3 then 8-3 and then match to Dave.

The banter after the match was mostly about slagging off fellow team mates but the closing remarks came from Dawes who reduced everyone to howls of laughter with a joke about a shrimp and a mortuary attendant - I forget how it went now!
Author:Ian Armstrong

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes