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Division: Division 5
Home Team: Bromley Sports 4
Away Team: Knole Park 2
Date:22 Jun 2016 (confirmed)
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
4-3Keeley Seamons2-10Tim Handel309/5 9/2 9/4
4-6Steve Pusey2-12John Creek309/4 9/7 9/6
4-12Brian Butterworth2-15Chris Morgan309/2 10/8 10/9
4-20Nick Barnes2-16Fernando Carti316/9 9/4 9/2 9/6
4-23Mark Eames2-18Gareth Willis235/9 5/9 10/8 9/2 6/9

Report: Bromley "Playboys" welcomed old foes depleted Knole Park. First up - Smirnoff Keeley v Tim Handel (I'll run it all down). Despite being a year older Keeley took control early on and although Tim chased a few down and got himself back in, Keeley tightened up and took the first. Keeley kept in control, wide and deep shots keeping Tim off balance, second game to Keeley. Tim hit some good winners in the third but Keeley didn't let Tim get a Handel in the game and ran out 3-0 the winner. Gave Keeley plenty of time to put her green nail varnish on and avoid marking. Meanwhile mercurial Nick took on El Matador Fernando. Fernando quick on the ball in the first catching Nick flat-footed - 1-0 up. Nick started getting his eye in, boasts and flicks and had Fernando running all over the place, taking the second and third in similar fashion. Fourth game saw the Matador getting back in it with good retrieval and tight drops - the old "Buttock" causing Nick some problems, but unusually for Nick, he concentrated, took charge and mastered the Matodor, Ole' 3-0 Nick. Man on Fire Steve v captain John. Steve kept up his fast and accurate game of volleys and drops and had John scampering around. Despite this cannie John used his left handed boast to good effect and pushed Steve into some unforced errors and kept himself in the game. Steve, re-focussed and took the first 9-7. Second and third game followed similar pattern - Steve being pulled in by John's friendliness and having to concentrate but showing the quality that has served him well this season - John left without a paddle up the ..... 3-0 Steve. Mark and Gareth - what a match!!!! who can make the most mistakes when in winning positions? Overall, Mark played some good winners, dabbing the drops away and powering the volleys. Gareth retrieving, scampering and catching Mark flat-footed with some good wide shots. First 2 games to Gareth. As the match went on Gareth started to tire, having run round Mark all night (Mark plays singles like he does doubles)!! block, block, block!and Mark won the third. Kept the pace up and took the fourth. By now both players tired out - foot faulting Mark gave his serve away 8 times - he's one of those people who listens but doesn't hear you. Gareth, thanked the marker and went onto win - 3-2.
Final game smash everything Brian v stylish Chris - could have gone either way, with Brian hitting great forehand winners and retieving well and Chris playing the right shots at the right time, especially on his back-hand. First game to Brian. Second and third game - some good squash, Chris getting himself in front but the fitness of Brian keeping him on top and after teaching guitar he plucked victory winning 3-0. A competitive evening followed by meat pies and a much reduced bar-bill thanks to no Mr. Estrella.

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes