Fixture Details 
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Division: Division 5
Home Team: Bexley 5
Away Team: Wells Squash Club 2
Date:23 Jun 2016 (confirmed)
Time:07:30 pm
Verified:25 Jun 2016 by Mark Sykes

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
5-2Luke Grindle2-3Mark Sykes319/1 9/0 9/10 9/7
5-3Steve Spring2-6Ben Rasmussen309/2 9/7 9/2
5-4Meir Mizrahi2-8Tom Sharp312/9 9/3 9/8 9/0
5-5Keith Pier2-7Tim Dobson239/1 9/6 6/9 2/9 1/9
5-6Vic Hulland2-15Stuart Padden319/3 9/7 6/9 9/7

Report:A good 4-1 win for Bexley 5 after some topsy turvy matches this evening. Steve Spring opened proceedings with a relatively comfortable win over Ben Rasmussen. Keith Pier got out of the blocks very quickly and rattled through to a 2-0 lead against Tim Dobson but then the match turned on its head, with the final three games heading equally rapidly in Tim's direction. Vic Hulland's match with Stuart Padden seemed as though it was going to follow the pattern set by Keith and Tim - Vic took the first two games relatively comfortably, but Stuart raised his level and took the third before racing to a 4-0 lead, which went on to a 7-2 lead, in the fourth. A fifth game looked likely, but Vic rallied to nick the game 9-7 for a 3-1 win. Meir Mizrahi and Tom Sharp fought out a very close match, splitting the first two games between them and contesting a very tight third which ultimately went to Meir 9-8, but not before Tom injured his knee late in the game. Unfortunately Tom was unable to continue and a fascinating match which had looked set to go the distance ended prematurely. The two number one players, Luke Grindle and Wells captain Mark Sykes contested the final match of the evening, and it was a 'game of two halves.' Having been defeated in his last two team matches, Luke made a very fast start and could seemingly do no wrong as he wrapped up the first two games for the loss of a single point. Mark showed considerable grit to dig in in the third game, recovering from an early 4-1 deficit to nick the game 10-9. The fourth went down the wire too, with both players digging in and refusing to give an inch. Luke eventually prevailed, winning the game 9-7 and the match 3-1. The Wells guys were, as ever, great company afterwards - many thanks chaps, see you next time.
Author:Gareth Bacon

Away Report
Away Report: 
Author:Mark Sykes

Administrator Notes