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Division: Division 5
Home Team: Bromley Sports 3
Away Team: Bexley 4
Date:Week beginning: 05 Jul 2017
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-2Keeley Johnson5-4Tobyn Hulance030/9 2/9 3/9
3-3Scott Hews6-3Bob Cowans309/6 9/3 9/2
4-2Stewart Gotts6-5Mehmet Yusuf326/9 2/9 9/3 9/1 9/0
4-4Steve Pusey6-10Steve Tucker309/1 9/0 9/3
4-18Richard Hungate6-19Steve Johnson139/2 0/9 7/9 1/9

Report: This was a great match that went all the way down to the wire. I (Scott) was first on against a man who when I was a load brattish junior junior was one of the best players in my old club of welling. In the first game I had no idea where the ball. Was going, bob playing his signature reverse angle and attacking boasts. I managed to just win it 9-6. Then Tobyne and his team mates came down and gave Bob advise. I thank them for what ever they said because it didn't work and I took the next two games with a lot less effort than the first. Don't listen to them next time Bob. 2nd on was the ever improving Richard against Steve. Richard took the first with so accurate hitting tho the corners. The 2nd was a big turning point. Steve finding his range and slowing the game down making rich lose his concerntation (twat!) 3rd on was our champ against probably the best No1in the league, Tobyn. And he proved it. It might have helped if Keeley had bothered to put her squash brain in. I had revived a picture of her drinking water in the sun earlier in the day, I now believe this to have been Vodka as she played like she was P*#%ed. Pusey and Tucker on next. (More Steves). Forget Will Grigg, it's was Pusey on fire. A quality controlled game. Tucker really did walk into an someone in great form. Pusey hitting nick after nick, very accurate drives and great deception. Tucker could have bought 1000 lucky red grips it wouldn't of mattered Pusey was very very good. Last on and the decider. Stuart vs mehmet. Stuart turned up just in the nick of time a tad out of sorts after taking his girlfriend to the vets and his dog to the hospital. Think he's working a little to hard. The first two games were total domination from Memhet. He had Stu scrambling about hitting nice winners. Even when Stu was in control mem would lay play a great winner into a nick. It was not looking good for Bromley. Even our support left the. Holding like there was a fire drill. Then the turning point was the 2nd rally of the 3rd game. Very fast and high intensity. This seemed to cause mem to red line. The back hand volly drops started hitting the floor and the error rate went up. Stu then steamrollered the next 3 games 9-3 9-1 9-0. A great match against a nice Team. Look forward to the return chaps.
Author:Mac fat skip.

Away Report
Away Report: 

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