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Division: Division 5
Home Team: Bromley Sports 3
Away Team: Bexley 5
Date:Week beginning: 25 Oct 2017
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-1Ian McMeckan5-3Christo Kachelhoffer309/2 9/1 9/5
3-3Scott Hews6-6Nanu Bhana319/2 9/5 6/9 9/6
3-5Daniel Sweeney6-21Vic Hulland309/5 9/1 9/3
3-6Steve Pusey6-23Charlie Banfield309/2 9/5 9/1
5-7Richard Hungate6-28Gurkan Arabaji311/9 9/2 9/5 9/7

Report: Tonight was a top of the table clash at The Lane with BCC3 hosting Bexley 5, with both teams being undefeated this season.

First up was Danny vs Vic. Bexley we're short a couple of key players and vic had to play up against an inform Sweeny. The opening exchanges in the match were very even with Vic hitting hard low winners. Danny stuck to him game plan and pushed Vic further back and then playing some very attacking boasts. Vic tried to attack back but ended up hitting the tin on to many occasions. 1-0 BCC. The 2nd game started as the 1st ended. To many errors from Vic trying to put more pressure on Dan. Dan quickly took a 5-0 lead and there was no way back for Vic. 2-0 BCC. The 3rd was a little more even. Vic making less errors made Danny work a little but dans constant good lengths and quality drops put the game to bed.
Next up Steve vs Charlie. Forget Will Grig it's Steve pusey who's on fire and his drops will terrify ya! Opening game Steve meant buininess. Even with a belly full of Romanian food and drink he was like the little whippet he is, flying around the court and chopping in his trademark drops 1-0 BCC. Charlie came out scrapping In the 2nd getting his nose 5-2. Looked like this could be a bit longer than I first thought. But steve againdug deep clawed it back to 4-5 then accelerated through and took the 2nd 9-5. I think the 2nd took a bit out of Charlie even though still hitting the ball clean, steve was on it like a flash and closed the match out 3-0.
5th string next. Will a frantic dash back from Birmingham Richard flew in to the club like a whirling dervish. Rich has been training hard the last few weeks having 2 lessons a week. Gurkan came out flying in the first and it was over in minutes taking the 1st 9-1. A few bits of banter were said about the well spent £150 on lessons. And after a quick team talk from Dan Rich cut out the errors changed his gam and hit straight back 9-2. 1-1. 3rd game. Gurkan got a slender 4-2 lead but the Hungate kept hitting hard and changing the angles and took the 3rd 9-5. 4th game was tight. Both players feeling it now. The lactic acid starting to build in the legs. Gurkan getting his nose in front 7-6 could this go to 5? Rich was good for the challenge and came through to win 9-7. 3-0 BCC
Myself Nanu next. I've played Nanu a couple of times now and I know I can't relax. When his shots work he's dangerous. Lucky for me they weren't in the first 2 games and I took them 9-2 8-5. The 3rd Nanu found his touch. High lobs. Nice cross court drops as well as very powerful straight drives with a flick of the wrist. Nanu takes it 9-6. The forth was tight up to 4-4 then after a long rally Nanu made a couple of errors. Giving me 8-4 lead. He battled back to 6-8 but I had to attack as I was blowing hard and got the points needed.
Finally Ian and Cristo. Our div 2 playing helping out as we were missing our 1&3 this week. Ian is a cross between a Terminator and one of the Proclaimers. And he will run for 500 miles as cristo found out. After just a few points cristo knew this was a massive task ahead. Ian his hard and takes the ball early. Cristo gave his everything and with some great reactions kept Ian guessing. But this match was only going one way. Ian winning 3-0 and giving BCC the maximum 20 points.

Great game. Good company. We look forward to the return.

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes