Fixture Details 
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Division: Division 3
Home Team: Poult Wood 3
Away Team: Knole Park 1
Date:30 May 2023 (confirmed)
Time:07:30 pm
Verified:01 Jun 2023 by Mike W

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
4-3Simon Wanford1-1Wayne Beglan038/11 10/12 10/12
4-4Harry Matthews1-3James Hall136/11 11/7 9/11 6/11
5-4Ritchie Beckham2-2Michael Wright238/11 11/6 7/11 11/9 8/11
5-11Slade John2-9Simon Lawson3011/3 11/5 13/11

Report:Strong Team from Knole Park, Simon did an incredible job against an 8800 levels player!
Harry took the game to James and some great tense games in there!
Ritchie fought through an experienced Mr Wright and we managed to get a well deserved 6 points!
Well played Knole Park - great squash and great evening.
Support from Lazare and Barry much appreciated and noted.😀👍

Away Report
Away Report:'All in agreement - sorry I couldn''t stay and enjoy the banter. '
Author:Mike W

Administrator Notes