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Division: Division 3
Home Team: Bromley Sports 2
Away Team: K Sports 1
Date:16 Jul 2013 (confirmed)
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
2-1Tom Stone1-2Ian Parris309-2 walkover
2-5Richard Kimpton1-7Graham Humphrey309-1 10-9 9-0
3-4Chris Butler1-8Scott Bailey139-3 3-9 5-9 9-10
2-8Andy Brackstone1-12Daniel Humphrey039-3 10-9 10-9
3-10Ryan Grant1-15Jack Peel309-5 9-1 9-3

Report: Just a quick report

Tom v Ian - Tom was a bit too good this night and Ian didn't seem to be in the right frame of mind and retired.

Richard V Graham - Nice game from what I saw but Rich was a little too good.

Ryan v Jack Good game by two juniors with Ryan having too much experience for Jack, well played.

Chris v Scott - Good match with Chris getting off to a good start but failed to capitalise and has he put it himself played s**t! however Scott played really well and didn't let Chris control the game and was just a lot fitter than the heavier Chris :-)

Big Andy v Dan
A sleep deprived and ill Andy started badly but regained a little composure in the second and third but let Mr peel get to him, no one likes to be lectured on the differences between a let and a stroke, especially when they are tired and irritable! Andy should have ignored it and git on with the match, silly boy, the result would have been different. Not taking anything away from Dan who played well and got to everything, Dan played better on the night.

Man of the match has to Ryan.
Author:Big Andy

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes