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Division: Division 3
Home Team: Beckenham 1
Away Team: Bromley Sports 2
Date:Week beginning: 03 Sep 2013
Time:07:30 pm
Verified:05 Sep 2013 by Big Andy

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
1-3Oliver Noye2-1Tom Stone1310-8, 5-9, 2-9, 6-9
1-4Matt Gill2-4John Lane239-4, 3-9, 9-5, 8-10, 9-4
1-5Paul Eneas2-5Richard Kimpton237-9, 5-9, 9-1, 9-6, 7-9
1-10Simon Joyce3-4Chris Butler032-9, 1-9, 0-9
1-17Alisdair Shapcott2-7Stewart Gotts138-9, 0-9, 9-6, 2-9

Report:A comfortable win for Bromley CC2, though with two narrow 3-2's and a 4th string match that, but for injury, many predicted to be a close encounter show on another night it might have been different. Maybe.

BCC2 turned up with a very strong side anticipating appearances from messrs Olby and Greenwood, alas neither were available and Beckenham rightly felt in some trouble.

First on were Paul v Richard and Si v Chris. Two very contrasting matches.

Si's occasionally troublesome knee buckled on the second point and Chris took full advantage playing some lovely winners. Apparently playing every shot off one, less favoured, foot doesn't massively help though.

Paul and Richard was a cracking match though. I came into it at 2-0 to Richard and looking like it was over, his pre-match prediction of the recent holiday certainly came true though as Paul battled back into it. Paul quickly took a 5-0 lead in the 5th and missed a bit of a sitter to go 6-0 up and before you knew it Richard was 6-5 up. Paul pulled one back before Richard managed to close things out, and even he wasn't sure how!

In the meantime BCC2 had already wrapped up the win with Stewart beating Alisdair in 4. Didn't see a lot but from all accounts the experience told and certainly no disgrace for Alisdair to lose this one.

Didn't see any of Ollie and Tom but Ollie played well to take the first apparently before the fitness told and Tom was always going to win in that case.

Last on were John and Matt and this one fluctuated between the sublime and the horrific, from both of them. Dead knicks, terrible drop shots and bursts of points on both sides abound, yet the highlight was the most outrageous pick up and drop shot from the backhand corner from Matt. He was gracious enough to admit there was an element of fortune involved in it though. Ultimately though, Matt would rue the match ball in the 4th as John saw out the 5th. A very entertaining match, lacking in much quality at times, but a good way to end the night.

Away Report
Away Report: 
Author:Big Andy

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