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Division: Division 3
Home Team: Park Langley 4
Away Team: Poult Wood 1
Date:14 Nov 2013 (confirmed)
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
4-1Paul Kay1-1Ben Chapman314/9 9/4 9/5 9/5
4-2Robbie Finch1-2Chris Gorman323/9 3/9 9/0 9/4 9/7
4-3Tom Nickalls1-4Simon Wanford3010/9 10/9 9/2
4-4Nilen Patel2-1Stuart Hillcock309/4 9/3 9/5
4-5Richard Martin2-5Robin Plummer309/4 9/2 9/4

Report:Park Langley's 4th team welcomed the high flying Poult Wood boys, hoping to turn the tables after successive 5-0 thumpings. Taking advantage of the court time before Poult Woods arrival, I turned up to see 3 of the team trying to replicate the Daryl Selby trick shot winner... A sign of confidence or ignorance? We would shortly find out.

First up, Captain Rich vs. Robin
A seemingly regular occurrence now as the captain appears to be ready for hibernation before stepping on court, this certainly showed as Robin strolled in to a commanding 5-0 lead in the first, Rich not able to hit the proverbial barn door! Sure enough though the sleep slowly cleared from the eyes and as focus returned and momentum gained, the captain slowly pulled through, eventually seeing out a 3-0 win and getting proceedings underway well for the home team.

Next door, "Slow Start" Tom vs. Simon
Only saw the latter half of this match as I was playing at the time but the bits I did see, Tom picked up from where he left off at Sundridge last week, moving as well as I've seen in a long time and keeping his shots tight and well measured. A more than worthy opponent in Simon who stuck with him and forced the pressure continuously throughout the opening 2 games but, having narrowly lost out, the third became a formality as Tom continued to press through.

"Slap a nick" Nilen vs. Stuart
A quick prep talk from your truly before the match, informing Nil to "get the job done" was duly obliged. Unfrotunately didn't see too much of the game as I was marking but judging by the scoreline it would appear that Nilens come back trail is heading firmly in the right direction. A comfortable win in 3 and 3-0 on the night for PL.

"Young Pretender" Robbie vs. Chris
An interesting match up, all of the supporting cast were debating whether Rob could cope with Chris' undoubtedly natural ability and consistent shot making long enough to put a mark on the game. Sure enough, the first game was over in a flash as Chris literally made no errors, though not for want of Rob's trying, scraping and retrieving all he possibly could. The second followed in similar vein and it was looking like a lesson may well be being handed out tonight for young Robbie. However, a quick intervention between games from Nil and Rob came out a different character, finally finding some length and combining with deceptive holds he took the 3rd to love and promptly saw out the 4th despite a slight mid game resurgence from Chris. A decider, game on! As expected Chris wasn't going down without a fight and stepped up his game, producing some excellent squash to storm into a 6-0 lead and for all the world it seemed all of Rob's hard work was about to be undone but, sure enough, blissful ignorance of youth on his side, Robbie doesn't know when to give up and eventually hauled himself back into the match. A couple of hand in/outs at 8/7 7/8 the turnaround was completed on the 3rd match ball, unfortunately owing to a stroke decision. Great match and fascinating to watch.

Last on, "Cyborg" Paul vs. Ben
Ben raced into a very quick 7-0 lead before a cold Paul started to warm up. Extending out the rallies the deficit was reduced but alas it was too late in the day to make any significant impact on the first game. From here on in though Paul was moving and retrieving to Ben's incredibly accurate and high paced attacking game, eeking out the errors and closing out to level the games at 1-1. What occurred next has to be kept on permanent record as it's a rarity that comes out once in a blue moon... To the crowd's total disbelief, Paul, having retrieved and rallied his opponent decided and executed to perfection drop shots, boasts, reverse boasts and attacking volleys! Like a grinning cheshire cat/kid at christmas, Paul saw this one out in 4 and wrapped a much needed 5-0 victory on the night.

Well played to the PW boys, matches played in great spirit and good jest as always. See you in the depths of Kent in the middle of winter!

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes