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Division: Division 3
Home Team: Beckenham 1
Away Team: Blackheath 2
Date:04 Nov 2014 (confirmed)
Time:07:30 pm
Verified:06 Nov 2014 by Bruce Mackintosh

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
1-5Simon Joyce2-1Gareth Owen037-9, 7-9, 6-9
1-6Alisdair Shapcott4-1Andy Porter329-4, 2-9, 7-9, 9-7, 9-2
1-7Neil Cooper2-5Roald Piper034-9, 4-9, 1-9
1-8Ian Smith3-4Jonathan Critchley316-9, 9-5, 9-0, 9-2
1-14Robert Belcher4-7Greg Smart032-9, 4-9, 4-9

Report:A great nights squash with the result closer than the match score might suggest.

Neil and Roald on first and, though I didn't see any of it, the score suggests a straight forward win for the latter.

At the same time, Si and Gareth were on. The first lasted an age and gradually took it's toll on Si's ailing back. A narrow loss in the first was followed by an equally narrow one in the second, Gareth able to take advantage of Si's reduced movement when it mattered most. Gareth was always ahead in the third and saw it through though the narrow margins in each game proving frustrating to Beckenham at the end of the night.

Rob's second game of squash in six months went as expected but definitely an improved performance on last week. Greg's speed around court ultimately proving too much.

Ian and Jon started out with Ian looking in trouble as Jon took the first more easily than the score might suggest. From then on it was all one way, barring a 5-point run from 8-0 down in the second, and Ian secured Beckenhams first points of the night.

Had they not been on last, top billing would have gone to Al and Andy, a fantastic game of squash that swung one way then the next. The first two games were fairly straight forward but hard fought, 1-1. They seemed to take their toll on Andy as he quickly went 6-1 down in the third only to pull back and take what seemed an unlikely lead at 2-1. The 4th was epic, both players looking like they were edging ahead only to get pulled back, Al battling back from 4-0 down to 5-4, Andy surging to 7-5 only for Al to see it through from there with no shortage of handouts in between.

Beckenham perhaps left to rue injury at the top of the order and availability at the bottom but a well deserved win for the Blackheath boys. Beckenham still managing to increase the points week on week! Looking forward to the return.

Away Report
Away Report: 
Author:Bruce Mackintosh

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